The sixth chakra: Third eye, Forehead chakra or Eye chakra
The forehead chakra is responsible for emotional intelligence, intuitive vision, intuition and wisdom. With the help of the sixth chakra, existence is consciously perceived. The forehead chakra is the seat of higher spiritual powers, intellect, clairvoyance, memory, and will, and at the level of the body, it is the control center of the central nervous system.
Questions to ask yourself: (If any point touches you, it is worth dealing with your forehead chakra. )
-Are we able to open ourselves to the transcendent world?
-Are we in touch with higher levels of consciousness?
-Do we use our intuition or do we think too logically and dogmatically?
-Does our reason win over our intuitions?
-Are we afraid to change our usual world?
-Can we find the answers to our questions in ourselves?
-Do we hear the voice of our inner voice, or do we not trust our inner wisdom?
- Do we have headaches, eye problems or nervous system disorders?
Attributes: This chakra is associated with idealism and imagination. If we can dream and see things, we can create.
Location: one finger above the root of the nose, in the middle of the forehead, opens forward.
Body parts: optic disc, pituitary gland, face, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, cerebellum, central nervous system
Color: indigo blue or violet blue
Minerals: lapis lazuli, quartz, azurite, calcite
Mental diseases of the forehead chakra:
- I have difficulty getting in touch with my intuition
- I find it difficult to define my goals, I lack direction in my life
- I often find everything pointless, fear and depression take over me
- I have a problem with my concentration, I am unable to focus my thoughts on my work
- I would like to find the way to my fantasy
-Several headaches. I have problems with my vision or hearing
Harmonic functioning: clairvoyance, intellect, memory, intuition, imagination, spiritual healing, holistic view. Charismatic personality, not attached to material things. High artistic and aesthetic sense.
Hyperactivity: very logical, dogmatic thinking, authoritarian, arrogant, excessive rationalism.
Underfunctioning: undisciplined, afraid of success, tends to set the bar low. Dissociation, forgetfulness, stupidity, learning difficulties, hallucination.
Physical disorders of the forehead chakra:
Headache: It often indicates that we do not want to listen to our intuition
Vision problems: Eye problems indicate that we do not want to see or see something
Foresight: we need to focus more on the things that are close to us. The visionary wants to escape from the present to the future.
Short-sightedness: it means that it is important to keep our goals in mind and create internal images
Conjunctivitis: one would prefer to close one's eyes to something
Green macular: often develops in those who have hardened due to their inner suffering and their compassion barely works
Gray macular: develops in people who are afraid of the future and therefore see everything darkly. The affected person cannot open to the light.
Migraine: relatively common, the patient wants to please but only hears the sounds coming from the outside, instead of paying attention to the inside
sinus problems: in this case the head needs to be cleared, this also includes expressing our feelings by crying
Sound therapy: the form of music: any sound that calms and opens our soul, as well as evokes images or sensations of the cosmic space in us, is suitable for harmonizing and invigorating the forehead chakra. We mostly recommend New Age music, but some Eastern and Western classical music, especially the works of Bach, also have the same effect.
Mantra: KSHAM